“The heart of this scripted fiction remains writer and narrator Lorin Clarke’s lyrical observations on life as an inner-city parent.”
The Fitzroy Diaries
The Fitzroy Diaries is an award-winning audio fiction radio serial, three seasons of which have been produced by the ABC and released on ABC RN, both on radio, and as a podcast. It was written, directed and narrated by Lorin Clarke and produced and script-edited by Sophie Townsend.
You can listen to the series online here or wherever you get your podcasts.
Series 3 of The Fitzroy Diaries was released in September 2021. The Fitzroy Diaries was planned as a book as well but that project is on hold due to the universe.
The series originally aired on ABC RN's Life Matters. The credits are as follows (YET TO BE UPDATED WITH SERIES 3):
Writer and narrator:
Lorin Clarke
Studio recordings:
Richard Girvan
Sound design:
Mark Don
Sonia Kretschmar
Script editor and producer:
Sophie Townsend
The performers:
Series One
Starring Jack Charles (as Alan), Caroline Craig (as Gayle from Brighton), Nyawuda Chuol (as Zahra), Joel Davey (as the boy from 100), Stewart Farrell (as Luminous Ute Guy), Alexandra Hines (as the girl from 100), Luke Ryan (as Greg), Stewart Thorn (as Max) and Claudia as the child. Also some lovely people at the ABC who were walking past at the right time. You know who you are.
Series 2
Starring Pamela Rabe (as Susannah), Joel Davey (as Damo), Caroline Craig (as Gayle from Brighton), Luke Ryan (as Greg), Lawrence Leung (as Alistair), Jing-Xuan Chan (as Bec), Julia Harari (as Kylie with the smiley shoe), Alexandra Hines as Frankie from 100, Stewart Farrell as Luminous Ute Guy, Thomas Caldwell (as Finn). The construction workers were Michael Roper and Matt Willis ably assisted by Stewart Thorn. There were several outstanding cameos from Sammy J (including “Good listening Otis”, “I think I’m gunna eat it icing first”, and “There’s always a dickhead”). Panama Hat Guy was Jonathan Green and there were many other parts played by Bethany MacDonald, Mike Williams, Angela Owens, Fiona Pepper, and other ABC staff who were walking past the studio. Claudia and Charlie played the narrator’s children, and the Collingwood theme song was performed (with considerable gusto) by the kids at Thornbury Primary School.
Thanks also to Geordie Williamson without whom none of the above would have occurred in the first place.
The narrator/writer/moi (Lorin) with Elle Mandelis (Spike).
Camilla, one of the sound producer geniuses, recording background kid noise with Claudia.