An odd day and a book launch

This morning, I was about to leave the house when my partner called me and told me he had my keys. In his hand. On the other side of the city during peak hour just before I had to drop some children off at an educational institution. The keys contained a key to the house (without which I could not leave) and a key to the car (without which I could not drive). I had a zoom meeting with a journalist that was set to start at 9:30AM. It was 9am.

Things went uphill from there thanks to a spare key someone remembered at the last minute and the kindness of our neighbours who let me drive their car, after which I returned to a phone call from another neighbour asking me to use a spare key to unlock the front of THEIR house because? They were locked inside it.

I saw one of my favourite people today, so I’m not going to complain, but it was a day full of surprises, which leads me to report the following: today I witnessed a man push a brand new office chair three blocks down a Fitzroy street AND a woman, immaculately dressed in full make-up and a faux fur coat… eating… yoghurt… out of a tub… with her fingers.

It was a very strange day.

At the end of the day though I was sent a link to my book launch. Of my actual book. Which is a book. That I wrote. Which is being launched. You can book here. The day contained, in other words, one thing that wasn’t completely bonkers. Potentially a little bit bonkers, but there’s really no telling at this stage.


Write it down


Things I Noticed at my writing residency at a local school